Bruce running the Bryce Canyon, Utah Half Marathon in July 2024. He finished in 1:41:19. He’s motivated to stay healthy so that he can write an effective blog for many years.

My motivation

“I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” —Luke 16:9

Early in my adult life, I made bad decisions because of concerns for money. I took jobs that I shouldn’t have taken, and I didn’t spend money where I should have.

Now I know that money is just a tool and that God will always meet our needs if we do what he wants. Of course, it’s easier for me to say that now. Thanks to a combination of diligent work, frugality, family inheritances, and prudent investment, Nancy and I are financially wealthy.

We give to many Christian causes each year. But Nancy expects to outlive me and doesn’t want to give all our money away in case she needs some of it for nursing care. On the other hand, she’s fine with me giving my time away.

So I maintain a roughly full-time work schedule—I just don’t get paid. I assist the World Evangelical Alliance, Society for Christian Scholars, International Institute for Religious Freedom, Global Trust Partners, and other global Christian leaders who value my input, writing, and editing.

Knowing that the Lord is the one I’m working for (Colossians 3:23), I hope to model selfless Christian service in my remaining years. I try to give personal attention wherever God calls me to help. If you think I can be helpful to you, please ask. Don’t be bashful. Should I feel the need to decline, I know how to say “no thanks.”

For more information, read this article on why I work for free and what I’ve learned.