My publications
I’ve authored or coauthored seven books and dozens of articles. Here are some brief descriptions and links.
If You Really Want to Follow Jesus (1981): This study of authoritarianism in charismatic communities was one of the first detailed demonstrations that Christian groups can be abusive and psychologically damaging even if they appear theologically orthodox.
The Health and Wealth Gospel (IVP, 1987): An irenic study of the “word-of-faith” movement.
Heaven on Earth? (Zondervan, 1992): This study of the social and political agendas of “dominion theology” remains particularly relevant amidst the considerable discourse over “Christian nationalism” in the US and elsewhere.
Politics for the People (IVP, 1996): A friendly, lighthearted guide to doing politics. US-focused and pre-Internet so some of the practical stuff is outdated, but still fun reading.
Crossing the Aisle to Cleaner Air (2008): A detailed analysis of a successful bipartisan effort to pass legislation that improved US air quality, published by the University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics.
A Master Legislator at Work (2013): A revealing study (based heavily on interviews with former aides) of the creative legislative and oversight work on aging issues carried out by the late US Senator John Heinz.
Steel Faithful (2018): Inspiring stories of great Christian endeavors in Pittsburgh, USA. Topics include the birth of the Catholic charismatic movement, labor-management reconciliation, a model Christian social action foundation, and the spiritual revival that changed the famous Pittsburgh Steelers football team.
“Putting Women in Their Place” (1990): Article in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, arguing from an egalitarian perspective for mutual respect in the debate over women’s roles in the church
Religion Unplugged (2021-2022): Three articles on US politics and one on how Christians should react to the discovery that famous evangelist Ravi Zacharias was also a sex predator.
“On the Unlikely Trajectory of US Evangelical Politics” (2024): Evangelical Review of Theology article discussing how 45 years of political activity by white US evangelicals led to the perceived alliance between evangelicals and Donald Trump.